
All posts tagged daughter

It’s Hot In the Kitchen

Published August 24, 2012 by vfAith

Dear Lord,

Coming back from vacation, where I did not have to cook much at all, sweat oozed from all parts of my body back at work.  I asked if anyone was hot while  we were standing, rolling silverware in the steamy kitchen, and got a few agreements.  Well one person responded by teaching me how to say “I am horny” in Spanish because the words are about the same as “I am hot”.

She told me to say the words to some Spanish boys, who would laugh at me and not take me serious. So I did and they looked at me strange.  Then she said it and added some sexiness to it and they said “Now that I’ll take”.  Then it became my goal to try to be sexy.

Well God, please forgive me!  I was not bringing glory to Your name in any way during that time period.  I was trying to win the approval of man according to their standards.  I am not a part of this kingdom so it didn’t and will never work.  I am a part of Your kingdom.

I am sexy, but that is not for my co-workers to see. The person and time will come where I can be all kinds of sexy.  But now I should be all kinds of lovely.  Proverbs 31:30 says “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”  I want the approval of You, oh God.  Please help me to keep my wandering heart on track to finding You in all things.  If You are not there, let me long to be where You are because the happiness of the wicked only lasts for a minute (Job 20:5).  God I would like that lifetime joy of pleasing You.

I repent of all the words and thoughts that were entertained tonight that were not of You. I desire to be holy as You are holy.  Thank You for Your unconditional love and for being full of grace.  I love You too.


Your Love and Friend

What color do you like

Published July 27, 2012 by vfAith

Dear Father God,

When I was younger, I remember asking my Daddy what was his favorite color.  He exclaimed it to be blue and red.  From that day on I fell in love with the color blue!  It was because he liked it that I, his daughter, loved it.

Lord, what is Your favorite color?  I want to be Your daughter and love what You like.  I want to look up to You in Your power and might, so that I can be just like You.  Every word that comes from Your mouth, I want to trust to be true and rely it to others.  The way You walk, I want to emulate it so that it becomes my own.  Show me from Your example how to greet and treat others.

Many times and in different circumstances You have told me to keep straight, while someone close to me says make a left.  And during those times I have made a left, which only led to a dead end.  Then I turn around and head back on the straight and narrow just like You said.  Well, Lord I want to eliminate that mistake of letting other’s rule over Your word.  From my best friends, to my parents, let me realize the dire importance of saying yes to You.  Father God let me also understand my yes to You does not mean no to them. Even if it does, let me be confident in saying yes and trusting You.

At every dead end Father God, You have met me with grace, mercy, and patience.  Thank You for conveying those attributes of You. Now at this beginning Sovereign Ruler, please give me strength, discipline, and perseverance as You had while You showed Your love for me through the journey to the cross. (HALLELUJAH, Your rose with victory!)

Hey Daddy, which fruit is the sweetest tasting to You?  Can I try some? 🙂


Your Love and Friend